Optimizing O365 licensing on RDS/VDI deployments

Optimizing Microsoft O365 Licensing on RDS/VDI using PWA

Microsoft O365 licensing and the costs associated with it can be a challenge for enterprises with a mix of users requiring different functionalities. Healthcare is a nice example of an enterprise that has multiple different users, and not all require the same functionalities and thus Microsoft Office licenses. I recently co-invented a solution together with one of my customers on […]

Horizon OneDrive Configuration Guide

Configuring OneDrive with VMware UEM

Following guide will describe how to configure OneDrive in combination with VMware UEM. With the granularity of making OneDrive only available for a specific group of users. Or depending on the use-case available for everyone. UPDATE: I have written an update blog where I use the machine based Onedrive installer. I would advise to use a product like FSLogix to […]