How to configure printers with user personalization through UEM?

Within a VDI environment, it is a delicate procedure to configure printers with user personalization through VMware’s User Environment Manager (UEM). That is because every customer has specific needs regarding the printer setups in their VDI environment. We frequently come across situations like this: A user accesses his virtual desktop from within the corporate network and gets his network printers assigned (for […]

nvidia GRID troubleshooting

Nvidia GRID Troubleshooting – basics

Note: This is a copy of my and Stefan A. initial blog that was posted on the securelink site ‘Chrome is not responding’. This is the message users often get when loading 10 tabs filled with multimedia content. It is one of the most frequent remarks we receive on SBC/VDI these days. The standard workload of a typical office worker has […]

Nvidia GRID Troubleshooting

Nvidia GRID Troubleshooting

In August, I wrote a blog on Nvidia GRID troubleshooting together with Stefan Achten on the Securelink Blog. Since then I have done some additional deployments and have some new insights on possible issues you can encounter. But first if you did not already read our initial blog, I highly recommend reading it! You can find it here: Nvidia GRID Troubleshooting […]

Nvidia GRID – Square resolution screen

Just a short post regarding Nvidia GRID but this may be handy for some of you. Recently, a customer called me explaining virtual machines (VM’s) did not scale correctly and had a square screen. In fact, the horizon client scaled the display in an 800*600 resolution which is the fallback resolution of a windows display driver. This behavior of windows […]