VMware VCF stretch error – duplicate witness vmkernel

I’ve been quiet for the last couple of months, but let’s say all went well without any major bug or issue that I encountered. 🙂
But I’m back with a couple of VCF related issues that I encountered! I had some strange errors on a duplicate vSAN witness vmkernel during my VCF deploy.

So the deployment was of a VCF 5.2 stack where I was trying to stretch the MGMT cluster.
But during the task sequence, I received a very vague error:

VCF stretch error

The strange thing was the previously configured VMkernel with vSAN witness functionality enabled was removed.
So when checking all remaining VMKs, there isn’t even a vmk4 present from the GUI.
VCF esxi gui - vmk not present

To be 100% sure, I validated the same through CLI, but the same. Only the vmkernels shown above were present.
So, let’s check the vSAN side of things, and see if we can see something from there.

Here is the normal procedure on  how to enable vSAN witness traffic on a dedicated vmkernel:

VCF - esxci vsan vmkernels

BAM! Here VMK4 was indeed present, so I tried to remove it true command line.


The solution was simple but took some time to figure out. The trick was just to create a dummy VMK4
create dummy vmk

Note that I had to create 2 vmk’s to get to VMK4. See that the vSAN witness type got automatically enabled for that VMK4.

So next let’s run the same command as above and remove the vmkernel.

remove vsan vmkernel

After this, we were able to continue the task sequence successfully!

Thanks for reading! I hope this blog solved your duplicate vmkernel issue during your VCF deploy.

More blogs to read: VMware EUC – a new beginning named Omnissa!

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