LACP Configuration with VMware ESXi – Part 2 (Switch config & Troubleshooting tools)

LACP on vSphere

This is part 2 of “Configuring LACP on VMware ESXi”, If you did not yet read part 1, we highly suggest doing so.

In the previous post, we made a step by step approach on how to configure the LAG on VMware vCenter. In this blog, we will be continue our configuration on the physical switch and show validation and troubleshooting tools.

Configuring LACP on a physical switch

In our lab we are currently using an Avaya ERS 5520-48T. All commands we are using in this blog, could be different depending on the vendor and model of your switch. Please consult your model specific documentation for the corresponding commands that we used.

The steps we need to perform:

  • Assigning the port members to the LAG (LAG id: 2)
  • Set the LACPDUs timeout timer to slow (This is the default keep alive value)
  • Change the LACP mode to active (Enables LACP unconditionally)
  • Enable LACP on the port members
! *** LACP ***
interface fastEthernet ALL
lacp key port 13-14 2
lacp timeout-time port 13-14 long
lacp mode port 13-14 active
lacp aggregation port 13-14 enable

Validating LACP on the ESXi

  • Request LACP configuration of the DVS
esxcli network vswitch dvs vmware lacp config get
DVS Name LAG Name LAG ID     NICs                        Enabled Mode   Load balance
-------- -------- ---------- --------------------------- ------- ------ --------------------------
DSwitch  LACP2    2941898462 vmnic0,vmnic1,vmnic2,vmnic3 true    Active Src and dst ip, port, vlan
  • Request LACP status of the DVS
esxcli network vswitch dvs vmware lacp status get

DVSwitch: DSwitch
Flags: S - Device is sending Slow LACPDUs, F - Device is sending fast LACPDUs, A - Device is in active mode, P - Device is in passive mode
LAGID: -1353068834
Mode: Active
Nic List:
Local Information:
Admin Key: 9
Flags: SA
Oper Key: 9
Port Number: 32768
Port Priority: 255
Nic: vmnic0
Partner Information:
Age: 00:00:28
Device ID: 00:18:b0:2e:34:00
Flags: SA
Oper Key: 12292
Port Number: 18
Port Priority: 32768
State: Bundled

Local Information:
Admin Key: 9
Flags: SA
Oper Key: 9
Port Number: 32769
Port Priority: 255
Nic: vmnic1
Partner Information:
Age: 00:00:28
Device ID: 00:18:b0:2e:34:00
Flags: SA
Oper Key: 12292
Port Number: 17
Port Priority: 32768
State: Bundled

Flag status:

  • S – Device is sending Slow LACPDUs
  • F – Device is sending fast LACPDUs
  • A – Device is in active mode
  • P – Device is in passive mode

If the State is bundled it means that LACP is successfully configured and established.

  • Request LACPDU Statistics
esxcli network vswitch dvs vmware lacp stats get
DVSwitch LAGID      NIC    Rx Errors Rx LACPDUs Tx Errors Tx LACPDUs
-------- ---------- ------ --------- ---------- --------- ----------
DSwitch  2941898462 vmnic0 0         17663      0         17645
DSwitch  2941898462 vmnic1 0         17663      0         17645

Validating LACP on the Switch

  • Display LACP configuration info for ports 13 & 14
show lacp port 13-14
Admin Oper Trunk Partner
Port Priority Lacp    A/I Timeout Key   Key   AggId Id    Port    Status
---- -------- ------- --- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- -------
13   32768    Active  A   Long    4     12292 8216  24    32769   Active
14   32768    Active  A   Long    4     12292 8216  24    32768   Active
  • Display detailed information for LACP bundle with ID 8216
show lacp aggr 8216
Aggr ID: 8216
Trunk: 24
Status : Enabled
Type : LA
Actor Lag ID : 8000-0018B02E3400-3009
Partner Lag ID : FFFF-D4AE52CA1C97-0009
Members : 13-14
Standby Members: NONE

In a nutshell, we started with the configuration of a LAG on the VMware vCenter Server, attached physical NICs from a host to the LAG and configured the physical switch to negotiate LACP. To finish off, we explained some interesting commands to validate LACP on both ends.



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