
VMware VCF stretch error – duplicate witness vmkernel

I’ve been quiet for the last couple of months, but let’s say all went well without any major bug or issue that I encountered. 🙂 But I’m back with a couple of VCF related issues that I encountered! I had some strange errors on a duplicate vSAN witness vmkernel during my VCF deploy. So the deployment was of a VCF […]

VMware EUC – a new beginning named Omnissa!

The acquisition of VMware by Broadcom has been a wild ride! The EUC transformation to a standalone company called Omnissa marks a significant milestone for its users and the broader tech community. So I felt I should give my honest and personal opinion on what is changing and how I feel about it. This is my personal opinion and not […]

Revamped IAM Interface in Prism Central: Independent and Streamlined for Enhanced Usability

Introduction Nutanix Prism Central continues to evolve, providing administrators with cutting-edge tools to manage their IT infrastructure effectively. One of the standout features in the latest release, Prism Central 2024.1, is the revamped Identity and Access Management (IAM) interface. This update introduces a more independent and streamlined IAM system, enhancing usability and providing more granular control over user roles and […]

Horizon connection server – assembly error

Horizon upgrades are usually straightforward: create a VDM backup and upgrade the primary connection server and you should be good to go. But recently I got a strange assembly error which took me down a loophole in figuring out what was happening. So some context, the customer was running a fairly simple deployment on Horizon 2111 and wanted to upgrade […]

unable to mount appstack on vSAN stretched cluster

AppVolumes and vSAN Stretched – Appstack unable to be mounted

I recently was involved in an escalation support case where a customer was experiencing issues with his vSAN stretched cluster. In combination with Horizon, the issue was that app stacks were unable to be mounted in a VDI during maintenance of the cluster. Some insights into the setup to better understand the architecture of the environment: 10-node vSAN stretched cluster […]

VMware TrueSSO – Certificate renewal error

I recently had an issue with a customer where TrueSSO had expired certificates and Horizon was not seamlessly logging on to the users within their desktop. Their horizon administration had an error and indicated that their existing CA certificate was expired and needed to be renewed (unfortunately, I forgot to screenshot the admin console). When logging onto the enrollment servers […]

Optimizing O365 licensing on RDS/VDI deployments

Optimizing Microsoft O365 Licensing on RDS/VDI using PWA

Microsoft O365 licensing and the costs associated with it can be a challenge for enterprises with a mix of users requiring different functionalities. Healthcare is a nice example of an enterprise that has multiple different users, and not all require the same functionalities and thus Microsoft Office licenses. I recently co-invented a solution together with one of my customers on […]

End-user computing (EUC) in the hybrid workspace

So I recently had the opportunity to do a webinar for VMware about something that I love, EUC, and combining this with a hybrid workspace! Today’s IT Admins, VI Admins, and IT managers face increasingly complex environments. This can be both from a business perspective (services, people) and from an IT standpoint: Cloud, modern applications, and digital transformation. In this […]